At school, I loved nothing more than circuit-training, and I swam competitively at county level. However, during sixth form and my university life I didn’t prioritise my fitness, although my knowledge and interest in food (and wine!) flourished...
A professional career in the catering industry followed, and I married a like minded "foodie" so the food theme continued...
The appearance of our 2 wonderful daughters changed my body beyond recognition, and I realised something had to change. I joined a local gym and went through the motions, attending classes, but, being scared of the gym floor - not knowing what to do, I didn’t see the improvement I had hoped for.
Around 5 years ago, I was lucky enough to start with a Personal Trainer - my whole outlook and understanding of what my body could achieve, changed forever. I competed in triathlon; did the coast to coast cycle ride with friends; and started open water swimming, culminating in the Great North Swim in Windermere.
I became increasingly conscious that I wanted to use my passion for fitness and nutrition to help people like myself, achieve a fitter, healthier version of themselves.
So, I took the decision to become a Personal Trainer and now, having completed my Level 2 Gym Instructor and Level 3 PT accreditations, I am excited to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with you.
Being a mum myself, I understand that exercise, and your own needs generally are often at the bottom of the priority list, however, I passionately believe that we should all make time to keep ourselves fit and healthy, and I would love to help you.
I fully recognise and understand how exercise and fuel can significantly improve health, fitness and emotional well-being.
However, there is no blueprint - the key is to understand what you, the client, wants to achieve, and then set about creating the exercise and/or nutritional programme to achieve that goal.
Level 2 Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Personal Trainer
TRX Suspension Trainer
Kettle bell Instructor
Meno Strength - strength training for the midlife, female client.
Member of CIMSPA (Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport andPhysical Activity)